Last weekend I spent 90% of the time in bed recovering from the cold I caught on the way back to Amsterdam. The remaining 10% was spent doing something which is crazily fun which I will get to in a while.
On Sunday night Seb and the rest brought me some fried rice and some of the soup they made, since I was sick and I didnt cook with them. It was really very nice to be able to get somebody else other than myself to cook a meal! This is all the more significant when you feel ill, don't feel like doing anything except to rest and get better.
However, after dinner, to my initial displeasure, they had planned a night out with some of the fellow hong kong friends we knew since coming here, and there was suppose to be this belated birthday celebration for me as well as another HKer whose birthday happened to be last week as well! As much as I wanted to sleep at home, it would not have been nice to turn them down. I felt well enough to go with everyone, and off we went to our maiden coffeeshop trip!
Abraxas. I got no idea why they used a crow.. isn't abra that wolf looking pokemon?!?!
Touristy. Period.
My roommate Peter's weed. According to him, its the best weed around, this 2 grams of weed is 9 euros. Well if anyone managed to bring this to Singapore, I reckon it would fetch a couple hundred bucks. Hahaha demand and supply.
Of course, unlike going to a regular coffeeshop, or more affectionately known as kopitiam, where we will have a bowl of piping hot laksa, or some tender juicy chicken rice, coming to a coffeeshop in Amsterdam brings a whole new meaning to 'having coffee'. Images of smoking, getting high, all come to mind, and yes I do not deny that a bunch of 20 of us were just going to go in the JUST for coffee.
Yes they were definitely not here to take pictures of Amsterdam coffee.
Behold, the spacecakes we have heard so much about! From the funny clip in 'Eurotrip' to the countless mentions of it from friends who knew I was coming to Amsterdam before I came over. Finally it was in front of me! Of course, we were not going to eat it right at that time, but yes we waited for quite a while. Did things such as singing a birthday song, eating the regular cake (yes the ones we eat as with all birthdays!), as well as trying a puff! (which didn't really work for me)
Yes and finally getting down to eating it. The real deal.
This spacecake tastes exactly like a normal chocolate muffin. If there wasn't that warning sticker on its wrapper, I'd probably gobble up the whole thing since it was so delicious!!
Yes, for the first 3 hours after we ate it, there was no effect. We had thought that we will be feeling something after 1 hour, since on the wrapper it was also stated that we'd have to wait for 45-90 minutes to feel something. We even came to my place for a couple more drinks and waited for the kick to get it, but still there was nothing! Feeling disappointed and even doubting that we were probably labelled as 'idiotic tourists' and overcharged for some regular muffins, there was always the possibility that the spacecake was going down my record books as the most overhyped bullshit ever.
HOWEVER, something really happened. Back in my hostel, I was sitting on the armchair talking to Peter about how I preferred crunchy fries, like the ones served in Long John Silvers, as compared to the soft kind the Europeans, Peter included, like. He made this comment, which stall be something I will remember in a long time to come.
"Its great to have a roommate like you who cooks!"
To which I replied, "Yea but back in Singapore, I don't cook in my hostel, because there is only a water cooler, and there is no stove."
I went on to repeat the phrase "and there is no stove" for like 10 times, before I realised I had actually been under the very effect of the spacecake! I just started laughing at myself and it was so much funnier than usual.
Went on to Skype with Seb, and apparently everyone there were super high too! Like Meiyee totally forgot to lock her bike when she thought she did, and we were just laughing ourselves silly! Everything was 100 times funnier, and I was very close to literally roll on floor laughing!
Needless to say, I spent the whole night tossing in bed, doing funny things like pretending to cycle on my bed in my sleeping position, grinding my teeth (something I have never done before this), making 1000 weird faces, and just jumping on my bed. At around 5am, which was Singapore time 12 noon, I started calling my friends and chatting with them (you guys know who you are!) I was really talking before thinking, and not the other way round, which is what we ususally do! Yet I was awake all the while, though the things I did felt like I was in a dream, it just felt like your mind had been taken over by some other force, which you are quite helpless to stop yourself from doing it. I'm not making this up but yes I realised how powerful cannabis actually was!
It is undeniable that cannabis is the perfect feel good thing to have, I certainly felt like the world's happiest person when the drug's effect was strongest, like nothing seemed impossible. Becoming richer than Bill Gates, going to the world's best universities to get my PHDs, cooking the most delicious dishes, suddenly everything seemed within reach! Hahaha. However when the effect started wearing off, the side effects came along too! I woke up feeling like I dreamt of the best things ever the previous night (cos I was very much aware of my actions throughout the night), but I also woke up feeling like I haven't drank in 2 days. It would seem that cannabis has the same dehydrating effect like beers. Apart from that, thanks to the hyperactive mode I was in, I was feeling drowsy the whole day after I woke up, and I slept the day away! Now that's really being wasted. However, like how one of my friends had put it subtly, 'time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.' How true!
Yea having wasted my Saturday and sunday on bed due to cold, I wasted sunday and monday due to cannabis! Hahaha. However, its yet one of the big highlights of life so far in Amsterdam! This first encounter with cannabis proved highly enjoyable!
*disclaimer: by no means am I suggesting that I am hooked onto drugs. Yes they make you feel really good, but pretty much like alcohol, there is no danger of getting addicted. you can be a casual weed taker very much like how you can be a casual smoker or drinker. I am certainly confident that I know my limits, and I will not go to the extent of eating or smoking it on a daily basis, not that I have the financial means to do it either! So friend do not fred! I can bring you to try if you want though! hahahahah
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