Furthermore, I think I just got bitten by the pokemon bug again, or just hit by this sudden gush of nostalgia, of the very game I grew up with as a secondary one boy. I would be doing nothing except to play on my gameboy everyday. (yes playing pokemon back then was life, or my kind of life!) Friends who feel my joy are probably my best friends, or at least those who have gone through that great fun days eons ago. 10 years on, the game by the same name is back as a 3rd part sequel in a 6 generation tree! (150 pokemon to the current 491!) In the whole series of games starting from Pokemon Red, Blue, to Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Firered, Leafgreen, Diamond, Pearl, and this latest edition of Pokemon Platinum, I have had so much fun with almost every series. I may have lost some of that interest when it came to Pokemon Diamond, but now as the release of Platinum is around the corner, I think I will really pick up a copy of it to play!!
Yeah you might say that I am crazy to come to Amsterdam to play a silly handheld game instead of doing something more interesting, but yes this is in fact the perfect companion for those horrific 20 hour bus rides from country to country. I don't know if I will still be as 'hardworking' as to training my Pokemon to level 100 each as I used to do it with the very first Pokemon Yellow, or trying to fill up my pokedex by hook or by crook, but I am quite sure this will be a good game, as it always has been! Meanwhile I should enjoy some of the favourite tracks back from where it all started, and I hope you guys will like it too! Will take it down when I probably get over this craze, don't know when though. Hahaha
All right, coming back from the Pokemon craze, the running dinner at Seb's place was another nice gathering and great opportunity to meet even more people! The day started with a late sleep-in. Woke up at 2pm to have some grapes, which are fast becoming my favourite fruit since its now cheap and nice.
Environmentally friendly fruit stall sellers with their paper bags.
Yes I also realised the 'pick & mix' here in Amsterdam is quite nice, about the same price as in Singapore, but really a greater variety to choose from. Their jellybeans and sour fruit sticks are owning.
The sun was so good then it was a pity we didn't go to the beach or something. I swear I felt the burning sensation on my face when I looked out of the window, something I felt for the first time since going for a swim back in January in Singapore.
Had an earlier dinner, or rather a late lunch before we started cooking for the dinner. Menu was basically the leftover curry from the previous day, and the leftover rice was converted into fried rice which was rather wasteful on the sausages and the eggs.
The leftover curry from the previous night, after constant re-heating over the stove, turned into this heavenly, delicious-beyond-description curry mashed potato-and-chicken gravy that was really piping hot and yummy. Seb said it felt like baked rice since the rice was really nowhere to be seen under that thick blanket of curry gravy. That's why plain rice would probably have done the same trick. There was also sufficient evidence to conclude that the potatoes here must be different! I remembered that in the past, when I always wanted my curry to be of this texture, I would send part of the potatoes I usually put into the curry into the blender, blend it into something like liquid potato, before pouring the liquid into my curry. It just never worked out. Now, by accident, I have found my sticky curry rice recipe! Muahaha. Overnight curry and Holland potatoes for the win!
After the lunch, running dinner started with a starter at Seb's neighbours' place. Hosted by a lovely couple Joseph and Eileena, who were from Italy and Ukraine, we had a sumptuous starter to kick start the dinner!
The dishes included a salad consisting of the usual cabbage, tomatoes and sweet corn, but topped with this slightly salty and sweet Italian soya sauce. Biscuits which tasted similiar to Danish butter cookies, but less buttery and crunchier in texture. Cheese with cheese crackers, together with some potato chips and really fragant sweet Italian wine completed the starter. 5 of us were joined by a new friend who lives in the same block and hails from Bolivia.
The hosts, Joseph and Eileena, with Mauricio.
5 of us prepared a main course, to be served at our place, and yes you would probably have guessed it, it was curry chicken yet again! Before cries of 'curry again?' or 'you don't know other dishes' are heard, I'll like to say that (and I think I said before) its a dish I am good at, which represents what I love best, and I feel proud to introduce something quite commonly found in Singapore, which is also presentable in front of almost anyone. I mean, chicken and potatoes are some of the most easily acceptable food by any standards, no?
We had new friends from Greece, the States, Romania and native dutch people join us and to try the curry. Apart from the Greek who found my level 2 curry too spicy, the rest found it acceptable and it was well-received. We did overcook and there was still half a pot left when our course ended, but still somehow it was finished later.
Desert was at another room where the host was a girl from China. She prepared what we had thought was honeydew sago, which turned out to be apple+banana sago. Not too bad, but there was more than desired amount of sago, coupled with not-so-sweet fruits and the fact that the sago was warm... it left quite a little to be desired. Still I finished my serving, mingled with some of the other Chinese students who were also there, as well as another Romanian girl.
When the dinner ended, we had another round of drinks prepared by the residence assistants. (residence assistants are native dutch students from the UvA hired by the housing company to oversee the welfare of the students in each of the housing areas. They also plan activities, ensure all's well in our hostels on top of giving us tips as and when we need them! Comparable to jcrc members in NTU, but less people to do more things, and they get paid! Haha)
They prepared this wine called Sangria, which originated from Spain, consisting of red wine, fruits and juice. This was my 3rd time drinking and by far the nicest! Also got to know a few more people, from the States, Canada, Argentina, Germany. There was this interesting guy from Germany who was actually visiting a friend who lives in the block. He is still studying automobile engineering in Munich, but was on holiday, at the same time spending time to work in England, which meant he was going to leave for England the next day. He actually works for BMW, and I was very much enlightened by his knowledge in the strength of the different car makers, how the new BMW 1 series are the most value-for-money cars right now, or the new powerful 7 series, as well as his interest in drifting! Over here, you really can't tell how the next person you meet will surprise you with his or her hobbies/interest/talents!
After the sangria, it was yet another round of drinks at another new found friend's place. Saw a single room in the block for the first time, belonging to a Uraguay-German guy called Federik who was really cool and friendly. Tried some caramel-like sweet paste which was really good, and I also brought one plate of curry over where new friends who have not tasted it got the chance to. Met a 1.97m Polish, who was sitting down when we saw him, only to be taken aback when he stood up. 1.97 metres.. hmm I think that's the record so far! There was also a Taiwanese-German lady as well as a Indonesian in the house, so 12-13 of us spent a couple more hours in the room, drinking and mingling. It was fun! They will probably host another drinking session this coming friday, and Federik has generously offered to teach me how to smoke weed! Lol I hear gasps, but its okay weed is not a bad thing! I repeat its not a bad thing! Hahaha.
Anyway, since I wanted to sleep late today, I cycled back after the last drinking only to reach home at almost 3. Skyped with Yiyang who is currently in Taiwan on exchange as well. Good to hear he's having fun too! Life as an exchange student has been nothing but fun, enriching and fuifilling so far. Every now and then, I can't help but feel sad that all these good things will come to an end. I know it will not last, so I shall make the best of what's left of my time here in Amsterdam! Its another day tomorrow, and its school! While its not the best thing to do around here, its also what I am supposed to be here for! Will update again really soon! Everyone take care meanwhile!
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