To continue from where I left off, the night of day 1 in Amsterdam was spent feeling ho-landed. Like how my mum always jokes, 'Bring you to Holland / Ho-land' which would otherwise mean to get lost. This was especially so when I was trying to find where Seb, Weiliang, Bev and Meiyee were staying on the first attempt. I got lost trying to find it the first time round, gave up and went grocery shopping instead.
General thoughts about the grocery store in Amsterdam:
- Most common store is called Albert, Amsterdam's NTUC equivalent
- Meats are like super expensive. 1kg of chicken is like $16 bucks, horrific. Thankfully frosten chicken is better, but of course will not taste as good
- Eggs are 30 cents each
- No chilli or chilli sauce, heng I brought mine
- Ben & Jerry's ice cream are half-priced, whack!
- Coke is $3 for a 1.5litre bottler !*&!#T!^#%!$^@
- European Coke is $0.80 for a 1.5 litre bottle =)))))))) Taste as good! Ok maybe a bit sweeter, but I'll take it
- Milk is less than a dollar per litre, but the cows here are either undernurished or they are just weird, the milk tastes bland
- Rice is a rarity, so its expensive, and I still need to figure how I can cook without a rice cooker!
- They have this really yummy kind of mayo breadspread, which is an Albert house brand, comes in flavours like ham, crab, egg and cheese, something like the tuna we have in singapore, but its really delicious and $1.30 can get fill like 2 loaves of bread.
- A loaf of bread is $1, so yea my breakfast will be that and the spread
- Pasta is expensive!
- Seafood is non-existent, or those they sell are all cooked beforehand, thankfully I'm not so much a seafood person
- Finally, beer is so cheap that mineral water is actually more expensive. Hahaha alcoholics will love Amsterdam
Yeah, after that, when I got home with 2 bottles of water and a pack of chips, Weiliang called via Skype to tell me that we will meet at where we part our ways after we got our keys. They brought me around near where their school is and we found this amazing pizza place which served really cheap and good pizzas. We were famished while trying to find something for dinner when we saw this pizza place and decided to check it out. I think it must have been like a god-sent in disguise. Somemore heng heng it was pizza day, so all pizzas went for 5 Euros each. 4 of us shared 2 and it was amazingly filling! We were so hungry we forgot to take pictures, but we agreed it will be our chillout place every wednesday henceforth. Will take more pictures then!
After dinner, went over to stay at Seb and Weiliang' place since we decided that we will go for the registration of the orientation together. Their place is really near where we are studying, and its about 10 minutes away from my place, so its not that bad! His place is quite new and well furished, even comes with a high tech rolling shutter to allow light into the room! Still, I think my room's nicer and more comfy! Hahaha.
Some pictures of the view from their room, I forgot about taking pictures of their room.
Yeah, that was all the happenings in day 1, its really starting to feel like a superwall of text. I hope subsequent posts will be filled with more pictures, but bear with me for the updates of day 2 and day 3, since I forgot to bring my camera out for day 3, and day 2 was really another day where I was busy knowing alot of new people! Hahaha okay I'm going out for Karoke with the rest of the orientation people now, will be back for more updates later or tomorrow!
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