This was more horrible than I had thought. I went to bed at 3am thinking that I could easily fall asleep, I was still commenting to Yiyang and King that I should not have problems sleeping. It appears that I was totally off that mark. A thousand and one thoughts just overwhelmed me as I really tossed and turned in bed. I had this dream which I couldn't really remember what was in it, and the next thing I knew, I woke up from my sleep and I can't get back to it again. Might as well just wake up and finish up some of the remaining things I need to do.
By the way, met up with my NS friends for a drink last night at this place called Sara's, which is like a super nice chill-out place in Thomson. The bar owner is such a pleasant lady and I'm certain I will be visiting that place again when I come back! Its also great to see my friends for the first time in like 2 years. Hope to meet you guys up again real soon!
Well its quite funny really, considering how I'm leaving Holland Village for Holland. Yes, I ended the day with a visit to Holland V's Coffee Bean with Mr Lo & Mr Chu.
It'll be real soon before we meet again, in July that is. Haha.
Yes in around another hour I will be preparing to go to the airport. Preparation is now completed and I am ready to go!
Whatever happened from morning till now was very much like normal CNY house visiting. It still felt like every other CNY I've been through so far.
Went to the temple to pray for a safe journey, afterwhich I feasted on some decent Nasi Bryani, I know its something I won't see in the next 5 months. hahah.
The dinner just now was steamboat yet again, but served with a heavenly delicious shark fins soup which my mother has successfully emulated, even surpassing the normal version so commonly found at Pasar Malam stalls. I await for yet another bowl when I return. After dinner, my mum and I went for a stroll in the park. Well I can't remember the last time I actually went on a walk with my mum, but it was seriously an excellent quality time spent with her. Just sitting by the bench in the playground, feeling the strong breeze and watching the leaves of trees rustle under that clear cloudy sky with a tinge of blue, suddenly brought home the message that it feels so nice to spend some time on something as simple as this.
All right, guess this is all there is from me so far for all that's happened at home for the past month. Tomorrow marks the beginning of an exciting journey that will go on for five months. I am ready for whatever is waiting and I will try my best to pen it down to the best of my abilities. All the best to everyone and enjoy what's left of this festive season!
Till tomorrow!
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