Welcome to the very first edition of 'The Amsterdam Times'. This is a publication which shall attempt to capture the gist of a certain adventurer who is about to make his way into Europe for the first time in his life! Okay this formal introduction aside, I just want to pen down this once-in-a-lifetime experience on another platform, let's just say we are side-tracking from an otherwise routine lifestyle and moving onto something that's more off-the-norm.
Like any major production, there always comes a time where the producer will have to take time or space off to thank all parties who have made the project possible. Of course, I will now take this opportunity to thank those I need to!
Firstly, I will like to thank NTU for giving me this invaluable opportunity to visit one of the countries I've always wanted to go. Although I also wish to go to countries like HongKong, England or more specifically Manchester, the United States blah blah blah, I can only be very thankful that they gave me my first choice which is Amsterdam! The first 3 semesters of study have not been the easiest, but I must say it has been an extremely fun-filled time, with all the new friends and new things I get to know everyday! I hope to be able to return in the new academic year and continue to enjoy school!
Secondly, I'd like to thank University of Amsterdam (or UvA in short) for not rejecting me when NTU told you guys I was going over! Hahaha. Okay I hope I will be able to have great time over there, and from the looks of it, the staff over there have been most helpful! Will finally get to see them in person 2 weeks from now!
Moving on, I know this is funny, but I have to thank myself too! Not trying to sound egoistic but I am responsible for myself, and I would not have made it for this exchange had I not put in the required amount of effort at times when it was called for. I don't have to prove myself to anyone, except myself, and I'm glad to say that I've since moved on from some previously demoralising times to this uber-excited state now! I hope I can keep up with this consistency, be mentally stronger to take on the challenges in times ahead, as well as keeping complacency out of sight!
Last but not least, I want to thank the most important person in my life so far, who has more than just made this exchange possible! Yes that is my mother. No amount of thanks or words can express the gratitude which I will be forever indebted, and I just want to say that she has always been my pillar of everything, be in emotional, mental, financial... yeah you get the point. Although she has the habit of nagging at me all the time when I sit in front of the computer to dota my time away, this is nothing compared to the unconditional love she has given me all this while. I may not be the best son in the world, and I apologise for all the instances I had to lie to you, including times when I said I was going to bed when I was actually still on MSN in hall, or playing mahjong but telling you I was having supper. Yes yes terrible lies, but all in the sake of not having you worry about me. I am 22 going on 23 and I really think I know my limits. I will not do anything that will cause you unnecessary worries, and I promise to take care of myself in the foreign land for the next 5+ months. I know I will spend some part of your hard-earned money, on top of all the current spendings you need to bear, I promise I will not spend money on impulse, and only on the things I feel are what I really need to. (I know some people define spending money on a live soccer match as a waste of money, but I beg to differ) I shall repay this amount of money, and all the rest of the resources spent on me these past years to you in the future! Okay starting to sound a whee bit too serious, but yes nobody will possibly understand this intangible respect I have for my mother. Once again, thank you mummy dearest for making this trip possible for me!
Yes a lengthy ranting to say the least, but now that it is off my mind, I will be able to move on to the more exciting aspects of the trip. Which includes pre-trip preparation, as well as a possible plan for Europe domination! Speaking of which, I need to get ready to head out and collect my travel insurance as well as the all important air tickets already! Part 2 shall continue either later today, or in the next few days! Stay tuned!
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